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    Fees & Spread

    Our fees have been designed with transparency and simplicity in mind and we’re proud to offer CoinJar users some of the lowest trading fees in the US. Fees and service availability are subject to change.

    Trading on CoinJar

    Transaction typeFee
    Converting fiat to cryptocurrency1%
    Converting cryptocurrency to fiat1%
    Converting cryptocurrency to cryptocurrency1%

    US purchases & withdrawals

    Transaction typeFee
    Instant buy with bank account1%
    Sell to bank account1%
    Visa / Mastercard® debit card purchase (Instant Buy)2%
    Apple Pay / Google Pay™ debit card purchase (Instant Buy)2%
    Recurring Buy (DCA) with debit / credit cards1%
    Recurring Buy (DCA) with Apple Pay / Google Pay™1%

    Disputing a deposit service transaction, raising an investigation or error correction request with your bank for any reason (fraudulent or otherwise) will result in a dispute fee. The current dispute fee is $20 plus any fiat to crypto conversion fees, and is subject to change as determined by our payment provider.

    Cryptocurrency transfers

    Transfer typeFee
    Sending crypto to CoinJar membersNo fee
    Sending crypto to external wallet addressesDynamic fee*
    Receiving cryptocurrencyNo fee

    *Dynamic fees vary by cryptocurrency and network congestion and are recalculated every 15 minutes. For more information check out our Knowledge Base article.

    CoinJar Bundles & Recurring Buy (DCA)

    Transaction typeFee
    Recurring Buy (DCA) with debit / credit cards1%
    Recurring Buy (DCA) with Apple Pay / Google Pay™1%
    Purchasing or selling bundles with cash accounts1%
    Unbundling existing bundles to crypto accounts0%
    Rebalancing bundles1%
    Purchasing bundles with debit / credit cards2%
    Purchasing bundles with Apple Pay / Google Pay™2%

    How to buy Bitcoin with CoinJar

    Start your cryptocurrency portfolio with CoinJar by following these simple steps.
    Step oneDownload the appGet the CoinJar app on iOS or Android.
    Step twoCreate an accountSign up and verify your ID – it only takes a couple of minutes.
    Step threeMake a purchaseBuy Bitcoin and 60+ cryptos with your bank account, Visa or Mastercard debit card.
    Get CoinJar
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    Your information is handled in accordance with CoinJar’s .

    Copyright © 2023 CoinJar, Inc. All rights reserved. The products and features displayed on this website are representative of our Australian and UK services and certain features may not be offered to customers residing in the United States, depending on applicable state and federal regulations.

    Google Pay is a trademark of Google LLC. Apple Pay and Apple Watch are trademarks of Apple Inc.

    This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the and apply.

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